15 Journal Prompts for Manifesting Your Dream Life

I’ve been a long-time lover of journaling. In fact, I wrote my college application essay on journaling! And as one of my high school teachers often reminded us, the most successful people on Earth keep a journal. There are so many different forms of journaling though, from bullet journaling, dream journaling, gratitude journaling, and beyond. Today, I’ll be sharing my favorite prompts for anyone seeking to manifest their dream life.

The Law of Attraction is something I’ve recently really started putting my trust into, and journaling is highly efficient way to consistently use the Law of Attraction to your aid. If you’re looking to up your manifestation game, read on.

15 Journal Prompts for Manifesting Your Dream Life

  1. Describe your ideal morning routine.
  2. Describe your ideal night routine.
  3. What is one thing that dramatically improves your day?
  4. What do you value above everything else in life?
  5. Describe three things that raise your vibration/ give you more energy.
  6. Where do you envision yourself living in your dream life? Describe it and why you want to be there.
  7. What quality of yours do you believe is of most value to the universe and to those around you?
  8. What are 2-3 short term goals you have for yourself right now? What are you actively doing to make progress on those goals? How are your current goals related to your dream life?
  9. Describe your current profession/occupation/educational program. In what ways is it helping you to work towards your ultimate dream life?
  10. What is something you could start today that you’ll thank yourself for in one month?
  11. Who are the most positive presences in your life? Which of their traits should you try to emulate more often?
  12. Think about your day-to-day routines. What is a small change you could make to improve your quality of life?
  13. Reflect on the shadows of your past. What is an important lesson you have learned and how can you apply that lesson to your life now?
  14. Think about a time you made a decision that set you back in your goals. What could you have done differently to avoid that setback?
  15. Ask the universe for something.

Happy journaling!



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