Planting Cosmic Seeds (New Moon: June 10, 2021)

Tomorrow marks another new moon– an energetic cleanse in the lunar cycle that optimizes potential and fresh starts. I’ve really tried paying more attention to the lunar cycle as a way to tap into its energy, and when I am paying attention I definitely notice consistent ways the moon affects my physical and emotional wellbeing. (For example, nearing the New Moon it’s common to experience insomnia symptoms.)

My ultimate goal is to develop a consistent New Moon routine for each month, but that is still a work in progress. For now, I am focusing on using the New Moon as an intention and goal setting opportunity. Intention setting during the New Moon is often compared to planting energetic seeds. The idea is that, if you stick with those goals and intentions throughout the duration of the lunar cycle, you’ll be able to tap into the momentum of the growing moon and see fruition in your projects as the moon reaches fullness.

In general, I think a large part of living intentionally is having structured direction within your life. Sitting down to journal out those intentions is a useful habit, with our without the presence of a New Moon.

On my own time I’ll sit down an flesh out my thoughts in detail in my journal, but here’s an outline of the intentions I’m setting for this lunar cycle.

  • Blog consistently and work towards growing both my content and my audience.
  • Train productively for my marathon, which includes running, strength training, cross training, yoga, and rest days.
  • Eat intuitively and with my fitness goals in mind. Treat my body like a temple but also a machine that needs adequate fuel to run.
  • Devote more time to learning about my spirituality and practicing mindfulness throughout my day. This includes making time to journal, meditate, and do chakra work.

And that concludes my intention setting for this New Moon. If any of you have a New Moon routine or are trying to create one, let me know what you like to do.



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