Summer 2021 Reading List: Achieving my reading goals!

My goal is to read 24 books in 2021, which averages out to two books a month. It’s not a lofty goal, but it is an achievable one as a full-time college student. With roughly three months of summer, I’m hoping to get through six books. I just finished Moby Dick by Herman Melville (and absolutely loved it). Here’s the rest of my 2021 summer reading list!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

I started re-reading Harry Potter over winter break (Christmas fantasy vibes, you know?) and continued over the course of last semester. I didn’t manage to finish it though, and I have one book left to go.

The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green

Truthfully, I do not know much about this book besides the fact that it’s a collection of shorter essays. It’s also John Green’s newest work and was released last month. I’m excited to see what he has in store!

Heartstopper #4 by Alice Oseman

Back during lockdown last Spring I got into this series of graphic novels by Alice Oseman. They are super cute and fluffy, but I’m hooked. It’s a very British “boy-meets-boy” love story. The newest installment came out last month, and I intend to read it in one sitting as a reward for finishing Moby Dick.

The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald

This is another classic that’s been sitting in my TBR pile for a while now, and since it’s summer, I feel more motivated to reach for classics. Hopefully this is the summer I finally get around to it. As an English major, I feel like I constantly need to be catching up on classics I haven’t read yet…

What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell

One of my favorite authors (and people) of all time is Malcolm Gladwell, and I’ve been slowly making my way through his collected works. Next up I want to read What the Dog Saw.



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  1. Yay for a Harry Potter reread! I hope you enjoy Deathly Hallows just as much as you did the first time! So glad I came across this post- now I have more books to add to my TBR list.

    1. My TBR grows exponentially… yet I continue to re-read old favorites. Thanks for reading!

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